Monday, November 30, 2009

Me Being Careless

I was so excited helping my aunt frying some fritters (i am so interested in learning cooking lately) when suddenly, me being careless and caused some hot oil spilled on my hands. MY OWN RIGHT HAND for god sake!. I was so scared that it will left a scar on my hand making me so panicked and screaming calling my mom to ask what i should do instead of placing my hand on running water since the pipe is just next to the stove; silly me. *slaps face*

So, if somehow this incident happens to you, instead of wasting time screaming or panicking like me, here are some tips for you in order to avoid the evil scar be on your beautiful hand :

1. Place hand under gently running cold water or wrap ice in a plastic bag and place gently on the affected area.
2. Leave it for about 20 to 30 minutes (yeah, i know it is long) or until the you don’t fell the heat anymore. It is important to take the heat from the area although this may hurt a bit.
3. Take care not to break the skin, if you spill some hot liquid on your clothes, do not remove it, instead , get under cold shower or into a cold bath and get medical attention: removing the clothing will rip off the skin!
